Betty crocker

I absolutely love Betty Crocker’s products. Im sure pretty much everyone has heard of her and if you haven’t, then where have you been?! Cake mix, cookie mix, icings I’ve bought them all, and the outcome has always been amazing without fail. Her quick and easy products are adored by my family-especially me, and they are so easy to make. I’ve literally used her mixes my whole life as they are so easy to use when you want to bake something, but you don’t quite have all the ingredients to make it from scratch. So in this blog post I’m going to recommend my favourite products of hers.

The prices for each of these were £2.50. 


1. Chocolate muffins- I really love this product and I typically dont like chocolate things like chocolate muffins, so I was really surprised that I actually thoroughly enjoyed them. They honestly tasted incredible.


2. Victoria sponge- the first time I made this it was amazing and from that point my family fell in love with it. I love making Victoria sponge from scratch too (comment down below if you want my to post about how to make it), but this product is fantastic when I don’t have the right ingredients or time to make it from scratch.


3. Chocolate chip cookies- these are my ALL TIME FAVOURITE product by her and I have made them will all of my friends about 1000 times (not even joking). They’re so easy to make and taste absolutely delicious.


So I really recommend that you go out and buy her products especially the ones that are my favourite.


Thanks for reading! Goodbye for now. 

The Blue Eyed Baker 🙂

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